Thursday, June 6, 2013

First Attempt at Painting - Wolverine and Ironman

I gave the psych-a-doodle a good effort for a bit, but realized it was a bit too much effort to post as much as I was trying to, so I completely stopped doing it. Work has been going great, been beyond busier than I've ever been, and that means drawing has slowed in my off time.
However, I got some painting supplies for Christmas, and decided to give it a try. Here are my first two paintings. My interests lie in cartoons and childhood things, so I painted portraits of wolverine and ironman. I have quite a few more ideas for more paintings.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 26 - February 4


If you doodled a large, round, simple hoop earring like the one a pirate might wear, this suggests you are the bold and adventuresome type. Does this ring true for you?

If you drew a big diamond earring or more than one earring in the same ear, this implies that you often exaggerate or stretch the truth, just to entertain your friends. This makes you entertaining and always the life of the party!

If your doodle includes a long dangling earring, this implies that you want and think you need a great deal of attention.


I don't know exactly why I was thinking this way, but I doodled a brain-storm of a marketing scheme for an airline. Drawing the earring like this implies I want/need a great deal of attention, but I do not think this is true for me.


If you doodled a trunk that points high and over the elephant's back, this indicates that you are feeling highly optimistic and lighthearted today.

If you drew a trunk that touches the ground in front of the elephant, this might imply that you are feeling guarded and cautious today because you can't forget a hurt you have recently experienced.

If you added a trunk that points straight in front of the elephant but does NOT touch the ground, this shows that you are a strong-minded person who is not easily discouraged.


I spent a good deal of time trying to think of what to put as a caption on this doodle, and I still failed, I don't like it.


If your doodled sock-puppet looks like a horse, cor, dog, or cat, this represents the admiration you feel for people who are totally free and uninhabited. For example, you love party animals even though you are too shy to be one.

If you doodled a sock-puppet that looks like a fantasy creature or monster, this implies that you crave anything scary or unexpected. You check under your bed hoping to find monsters!

If you drew a sock-puppet that looks like a zoo animal, this suggests that you are only happy when you are far from home, free from your daily responsibilities.


This doodle is awful. I re-doodled this one several times and never could quite get the hand how I liked it. But oh well, 364 other doodles this year.. Also, I didn't follow the directions at all. I wonder how this would be analyzed.


If you added a pick and/or chisel into the scene, this signifies your willingness to work and overcome major obstacles and hardships; you just patiently chip away at your problems until they are solved!

If you added a beret to the person's head and/or added a face or body to the rock, this demonstrates your artistic nature and your ability to turn common objects into works of art. Art rocks!

If your doodle includes at least one other person standing on the other side of the rock, this implies that you feel separated from a friend today. Remember, nothing is set in stone, and this situation will improve with time.


Well I'll be, an analysis I agree with! I looked at what I had to doodle on, and all I could see were the outlines of the rocks face. 


If your doodle includes a tiny clown hat on the clown's head, this might indicate that you are easily distracted by small and silly matters.

If you added huge eyes and a small nose to the clown's face, this suggests that you're observant, but you need to ask more questions because you often misunderstand the things you see. Watch out!

If you drew a huge nose, tiny eyes, and a big mouth on the clown, this means that you have often fantasized about becoming an FBI agent.


I think this might be true. A lot of times I seem to focus on small and silly matters.


If you doodled treetops that are pointed with angled and sharp edges, this might mean you are unable to easily handle sudden changes in your personal and/or work life. Relax, change is good!

If you drew treetops that are rounded and puffy, this indicates that you have a gentle and calm personality - you bend, but you do not break.

If your doodled treetops are bare branches with no leaves, this might signify that you are looking for meaning in your life and/or you might just be looking for a new job.


I guess I don't know what "looking for meaning in your life" means, but it sounds bad. I am not looking for a new job right now either. I drew the trees bare because I hate drawing leaves..


If your doodled label includes a drawing of beans, this probably indicates that you are not feeling sociable today. Sometimes it is best to put some distance between yourself and your friends - to save a friendship!

If you drew a label that includes pictures of fruit, this might mean that you are in a festive mood today - fruit punch for everyone!

If you doodled a label that contains pictures of a meat product and/or an animal, this might imply that you are feeling raw, forceful, and/or competitive today. Go for it!


I feel competitive everyday!


If you spent all day adding more doughnuts and decorating them all, this might mean you need a new hobby or gym membership.

If your doodle includes a doughnut decorated with thick icing and sprinkles, this probably means that you spend a lot of time organizing and improving your social life.

If you drew a face on the doughnut, this suggest that you don't take eating or dieting seriously. You are not a foodie. You are a fast-foodie.


What if I drew a face behind the doughnut?? I would tentatively agree with this analysis though, as I do not care much about dieting.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 18 - 25


If you doodled a beach ball, this probably means that you are a person who likes to spend their leisure time in public places and with crowds of people - the more the merrier!

If you drew a baseball, basketball, golf-, tennis-, or soccer ball this shows that you are an outgoing, affectionate, but competitive person. Play ball!

If you added a paddle, pole, or other attachment to the ball, this means that you are a person who never takes their eyes off the ball when they are asked to think creatively.


Since moving to Augusta, the home of The Masters, I have played a lot more golf. This is why I drew a golf ball. Although, my golf ball looks kind of like the moon with a face on it.


If you doodled two similar creatures (like two squirrels) into the scene, this might mean that you like the company of people who agree with your values and ideas. "Birds of a feather flock together" applies to you!

If you added two different forest creatures into the scene, this probably means that you are an adventuresome person when it comes to making new friends. Vive la difference!

If your doodle includes two fantasy creatures - great! This illustrates that you can think outside the box and out of the tree, too!


I thought it was strange that only a few days ago, I was suppose to complete a doodle with the same tree. I found a new way to doodle it though, and drew a Keebler Elf and Winnie the Pooh, both of whom live in trees! I guess this means I am good at thinking outside the box.


If you doodled clothes on the teddy bear, this might signify that you are a nurturing and thoughtful person, or you might just like clothes!

If you drew a long snout and/or huge eyes on the teddy bear's face, this might mean you are an overly suspicious person who barely trusts even their closest friends.

If you added another teddy bear to the scene, this might imply you can't bear to be alone or that you want to e reassured and taken care of. You needs lots of bear hugs!


Giving my teddy bear armour and a sword could mean I'm nurturing, couldn't it? I think it just means that I want my teddy bear to be able to handle the world on his own.


If you gave the robot a human face, this implies that you are comfortable with all kinds of digital and high-tech devices. You're not exactly a geek, but close!

If you added several dials and buttons to the robot, this probably means you are a complicated and interesting person, but you are too rigid in your personal life. You need to oil your joints and loosen up!

If your doodle includes a display screen as part of the robot, this shows your need to be entertained continuously. Where is your off button?


I would definitely consider myself comfortable with technology, although I will never own an iPhone.


If you drew a person standing up in the swing, this might indicate that you like to do things your way, and that you are also a person who finds it almost impossible to admit when you're wrong. You are a person who likes to go down swinging.

If you doodled at least two people in the scene, this implies you are incapable of enjoying yourself without the help of other people. You're a swinger, not a loner!

If you added a toy or other object to the scene, this might suggest you can be a little too pushy and domineering with friends and/or family.


I drew someone climbing the tree using the swing as a first step, I guess that falls within the definition of the first analysis...


If you doodled an article of clothing or jewelry, this implies that you have enormous faith and trust in your friends, and this also might mean you always try to make your friends feel important. You believe good friendships are gifts that must be appreciated.

If you drew a toy or a silly gag gift, this shows that you rely on your friends to cheer you up and keep you from feeling depressed, but maybe you rely on them too much. Maybe you should return the favor more often!

If your doodle includes a practical gift like an appliance or home decor, this might suggest that you feel inferior to your friends. You consider all your friends to be gifted people, but you don't feel that way about yourself!


Looks like I owe my friends some cheering up!


If your doodle includes a tail shaped like a loop, heart, or question mark, this probably means you are a creative, offbeat person who has the world by the tail today!

If your doodled tail encircles the cat, this might suggest that you are not feeling confident, or sure of yourself today. Don't get your tail in a knot, things will improve soon!

If you drew a tail that is taller or longer than the cat, this might indicate you have a high opinion of yourself and your abilities - and you might be right!


Laura is totally going to agree with the analysis on this one.. And she will be right!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 15, 16, and 17


If you doodled a smile and friendly face for the banker, this might imply that you have no worries about your financial future, or it might mean you have not given it much thought.

If you drew a frown or an angry expression on the teller's face, this might indicate that you are worried about your financial future, or it might suggest you have indigestion today.

If you doodled a sad-faced or a surprised-faced teller, this might mean that you are confused about financial matters and/or you are not sure how to manage your money. You can bank on that!


Playing a game of peek-a-boo with the customers could mean that the banker is friendly, right? It's pretty spot on considering I do not worry about my financial future. I'm just glad I didn't draw a frown or angry expression!


If you doodle a design on the lampshade and lamp base, and added more objects to the tabletop, this implies you are a highly sociable and creative person. You light up everyone's life!

If you doodled a design on the lamp base and left the lampshade undecorated, this might imply that you crave a simpler, less cluttered personal life. Time for a yard sale!

If you decorated the lampshade and lamp base, and added a pattern to the stem between the shade and the base, this might indicate you are a person who always follows orders and directions perfectly, or you might just be creatively nerdy.


I guess I light up everyone's life? I definitely lit up that guy reading the newspaper.


If you doodled a fruit of any type growing on the tree, this probably means that you are a person with a sweet but tangy personality, a person who stays positive and never stews in their own juice!

If your doodle includes leaves in the tree, leaves falling, and/or leaves on the ground, this shows that you might be thinking about leaving or changing your professional or personal life soon.

If you doodled money growing on the tree, this illustrates your comic personality, or it might simply mean you wish money would grow on trees - your trees!


The analysis given says nothing about dinosaurs coming to eat the tree and scaring away all the animals living in it... P.S., I don't know why it scanned in crooked, but I didn't realize until I got back to my desk and I didn't feel like fixing it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 11, 12, 13, and 14


If you doodled a monster chasing the gingerbread-man, this might mean that you have a problem with overeating, especially sweets. Try sugar-free gingerbread, monsters hate that!

If you drew another gingerbread-man chasing the existing one, this shows that you have a very competitive spirit. Competing is more important to you than winning!

If you doodled a baker chasing the gingerbread-man, this shows that you are a person who wants a routine life with no surprises. You don't like ginger (or anything else) in your bread!


When I think of the "gingerbread-man", I think of the character in the movie Shrek. Shrek always was trying to help out his friends, so I drew Shrek helping the gingerbread-man escape the wrath of PacMan! I can't really decide what this means about me, but PacMan is an addicting game, so maybe it means I'm competitive.


If you doodled a curled-up tail for the doodle-dog, this might indicate that you are an optimistic and playful person, but you often find it difficult to control your excitable personality. Stop jumping up on people, relax!

If you drew the dog a straight, long, pointed tail, this shows you have a kind but aggressive temperament. You have a "man bites dog" type of personality!

If your doodle includes a tail that drags the ground or points down, this implies that you feel defeated or sad today. Cheer up, every dog has his day!


WHAT ABOUT A TAIL THAT LOOKS LIKE A CAT?! Inspired by the 90s cartoon, Cat-dog. 


If your doodle includes a small animal or animals, this might imply that you are more at ease with animals than you are with people.

If you added a person to the doodle, this might indicate that you enjoy the company of your family more than you enjoy the company of friends and/or work associates. For you it is always "family first".

If you doodled an object in the wagon, this implies that you prefer to do it yourself with small home repairs rather than hire a professional. You believe you can do anything!


I think this analysis is actually pretty accurate compared to other ones. By having a person inside the wagon, it implies that I am a "family first" guy who likes doing everything himself. This I find to be pretty true.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 8, 9, and 10


If your doodle includes more than one banana, this illustrates your need to be liked and to have bunches of friends.

If you drew faces and outfits on one or more bananas, this might mean that you have a strong desire to stand out in a crowd, to be different and interesting. Even if that required your wearing a banana suit, you would do it!

If your doodle includes a peeled banana, this implies you have a comical and sometimes cynical view of the world, or it might mean you don't like the way you look in a bathing suit!


I tried drawing a monkey with a banana in its mouth, but apparently I drew a bear with a banana as a mouth. Either way you can construe the analysis as that I have a desire to stand out in a crowd. I can see that.


If you drew three similar flowers of a moderate size, this represents your need for order and consistency in your life. You have a "single file, no talking" type of personality.

If your doodle includes three over-sized flowers, this shows that you are an outgoing person with a big voice and an ego to match. You're no wallflower!

If you doodled three flowers of different shapes and/or types and a vase that is neatly decorated, this suggests that you are a creative and clever person.


One could say my finger-flowers are similar of a moderate size, or over-sized, both provide analysis that are pretty accurate: I prefer order, consistency, and I have an ego.


If your snowman doodle includes a broom and coal-buttons, this implies that you very are observant. Your love of details makes you a buttoned-up person.

If you doodled a traditional top hot and pipe for the snowman, this might indicate that you have a love for old traditions, but you don't allow yourself to become completely snowed under the past.

If you drew the snowman with a long carrot-shaped nose and/or a stocking cap and mittens, this shows you have a warm personality and no problem making new friends. Let it snow!


This doodle was influenced by Calvin & Hobbes, my favorite cartoon.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas the last few years has been a good opportunity to try and use my art hobby for gifts. I have done painting on glass ornaments, pet drawings using chalk, hand-painted canvases and a cartoon family photo. This year I delved down a separate path and used my art on items that can be used.

The top photo is of a set of plates I made my aunt and godmother. She really likes pigs, so that was the theme. I also made a family set for my parents but I did not take pictures of them.For these plates I used just a plain old Sharpie to make the drawings and then baked them in the oven to fuse the ink to the ceramic.

The next two photos are of painted glasses I made for my nana. She has weekly card games with her and a group of her friends, and they alternate hosting. So I thought it would be nice to have a set of glasses with a card theme she could use during those times she hosts the card games. I used acryllic paint for the glasses and used the same approach of baking in the oven to make the paint durable for using and cleaning.

The bottom photo was a idea on the whim from walking through Michael's. I saw these 2 inch by 2 inch canvases that I thought would be a good size for a small painting that could be used as ornaments. Because of being in Georgia, I thought it was a good theme to go with, and I painted the Georgia peach on each one and gave them to my family. While I had the intentions that these small canvases could be used for ornaments, some of my family thought of other things they were going to do with them which was pretty cool. Some put on magnets and put it on their fridge. Others hung them up on the wall in the kitchen, or stood them up on their mantles. Ideas I thought were neat also.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 5, 6 and 7


If you drew a dog sleeping inside the doghouse, this might represent your extremely loyal friends who appreciate you, without question. You can sleep at night knowing you have friends like that!

If your doodle includes a dog chained to the doghouse, this probably means you need to free yourself of dated ideas, old routines, and even older friends. Break out!

If you added a dog on top of the doghouse, this demonstrates that you are a person who always sees the funny side and sunny side of life. Your dog hunts!


How come none of the analysis say anything about a dog parachuting onto the roof of the doghouse? It's extreme!


If you drew one cat looking out of the cat-flap, this might mean that you often feel left out and find it difficult to meet new people. Cat got your tongue? Relax, it is purr-fectly normal to feel that way sometimes.

If your doodle includes several cats in many different locations, this suggests that you are a sociable person who is never catty, rude, or unprofessional.

If you added at least two cats to the scene, one inside the cat-flap and one outside, this implies you have a well-balanced life. You are sitting in the cat-bird seat today.


I am un-analyzable when it comes to cats? I at least put the word "cat" into my doodle.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 3 and 4


If you doodled fire or another SOS symbol, this shows that you are a resourceful and intuitive problem solver.

If you added a treasure map in the scene, this implies that you have recently discovered a brilliant method of dealing with a difficult dilemma.

If you drew other pirates in the scene, this might suggest that you like the company of people who are adventuresome and a little bit wild. Aargh!


Well I didn't doodle anything that could be analyzed, so I must be brilliant! Or maybe there's a 4th analysis that could be I'm a disturbed, lonely person based on the whale-tail and the pirate dancing by himself..


If you doodled a design that includes shapes that spiral in both directions, this might suggest that you want to be the center of attention even if you have to look and act crazy and out of control. You're a wild-child!

If you drew a design that includes chubby hearts and fat flowers, this shows that you are happy and a contented person. For you, everything is coming up roses.

If your design includes zig-zag lines and shapes, this implies you are feeling angry and impatient today. Straighten yourself out!


I am at work today (Friday), so being angry and impatient makes sense. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 1 and 2

I know I haven't completed the 30-day drawing challenge yet, but I have a new project I am going try in addition. The holiday season put the drawing challenge on a little break because I was too busy getting ready for vacation, getting ahead with work, and making gifts for Christmas. For the new year, Laura got me a desk calendar called "Psych-A-Doodle", which gives you a the start of a doodle, and you finish it. On the back of each day gives an analysis of you based on what you doodled. This should be interesting. I'll try and post these a few days at a time instead of daily.

Below is the before and after doodles for Tuesday, January 1 and Wednesday, January 2.


If you doodled a huge hairy mustache on this person's top lip, this shows you're a bold extrovert with a lot to say.

If you added a full head of curly hair, this suggests you are a forceful, sociable, and self-confident person, but you would never harm a hair on anyone's head!

If you doodle includes a big mustache and/or a hat, this implies you have something to hide - something from your past. Wow, that makes you interesting.


And the big winner is, I have something to hide! I'll never tell.


If your doodle includes an Abominable Snowman or Yeti, this represents your desire to put a little adventure and mystery into your life. You're a thrill seeker!

If you added more people higher up on the mountain than the existing person, this suggests you are having a hard time keeping up with your friends and/or family's expectations of you. Don't worry, you haven't peaked yet!

If you drew a flag or banner at the top of the mountain, this might mean you want more recognition and praise for your great work and success. You want to flag your good fortune.


It appears that my doodle could encompass all 3 analysis'. So apparently I am a thrill-seeking egoist that doesn't live up to people's expectations, sweet!

Monday, November 5, 2012

30-Day Challenge, Day 7: Favorite Word

When I first saw what the challenge was for this day, I was completely confused on why that was part of a drawing challenge. I thought that I would be able to draw the word in a way that represents its meaning, but I decided to just go with this. I also spent a great deal of time trying to think what my favorite word is. I know a lot of people have a word they love to say all the time, but I couldn't think of one for myself. Laura suggested this word to me, and I realized I did like this word. It's fun to say, it's good to eat, and it looks cool with this font. Ever since learning how to draw a 3-dimensional city skyline in 5th grade art class, I have enjoyed trying to draw something similar as often as I can.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

30-Day Challenge, Day 6: Favorite Book Character (Can't Be a Movie)

I had a lot of trouble thinking of what to draw for this challenge. It seems like they make movies out of every book nowadays, so I had slim pickings. I realized after I drew this that I should have gone with Calvin & Hobbes, but oh well. I drew for this challenge Br'er Bear, the Disney Character of Magic Kingdoms Splash Mountain. Br'er Bear and Br'er Fox were originally part of a folklore from Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings: The Folklore of the Old Plantation from 1818. Disney later animated the characters and made them into a the characters of their famous ride. They have been in television, but not in movies, so I technically am okay!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

30-Day Challenge, Day 4: Favorite Place

I know my last 2 posts are out of order, but this post took me a bit longer time to think about, and I wanted to keep my posting up. In thinking about my favorite place, I thought about specific places first that I have enjoyed: restaurants, theme parks, stadiums, bars, etc.; but none of them felt like my favorite place in my gut. Then I thought about places that make me most at peace. My determination on my favorite place is not a specific place, it is the mountains. I started out being specific with the White Mountains in NH, but then I recalled my time spent in the Rockies a few times, and I felt the same way. I enjoy everything about the mountains, any and all mountains. The mountains are extremely peaceful to me, comforting, and fun. I enjoy relaxing out on a lake, hiking in the woods, climbing rocks, or snowboarding down. The wildlife in the mountains is great, and the smell of the woods is one of my favorites. Sometimes I feel I was some nomadic explorer in a previous life, because that's what I wish I was now!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

30-Day Challenge, Day 5: Best Friend

I know I said that I was going to post every Monday-Wednesday-Friday, but I tried. I was just having too much fun this past weekend that I didn't have much time. I also realize that I skipped Day 4, but I am still working on it, and should have it posted for Thursday. So here is my posting for Day 5, my best friend being Charlie Brown! I thought this was the least controversial pick, and he's so cute that no one can argue with me.

Friday, October 19, 2012

30-Day Challenge, Day 3: Favorite Food

I thought I would make this drawing more of a story. Let's see if you can figure out what my favorite food is..