Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 11, 12, 13, and 14


If you doodled a monster chasing the gingerbread-man, this might mean that you have a problem with overeating, especially sweets. Try sugar-free gingerbread, monsters hate that!

If you drew another gingerbread-man chasing the existing one, this shows that you have a very competitive spirit. Competing is more important to you than winning!

If you doodled a baker chasing the gingerbread-man, this shows that you are a person who wants a routine life with no surprises. You don't like ginger (or anything else) in your bread!


When I think of the "gingerbread-man", I think of the character in the movie Shrek. Shrek always was trying to help out his friends, so I drew Shrek helping the gingerbread-man escape the wrath of PacMan! I can't really decide what this means about me, but PacMan is an addicting game, so maybe it means I'm competitive.


If you doodled a curled-up tail for the doodle-dog, this might indicate that you are an optimistic and playful person, but you often find it difficult to control your excitable personality. Stop jumping up on people, relax!

If you drew the dog a straight, long, pointed tail, this shows you have a kind but aggressive temperament. You have a "man bites dog" type of personality!

If your doodle includes a tail that drags the ground or points down, this implies that you feel defeated or sad today. Cheer up, every dog has his day!


WHAT ABOUT A TAIL THAT LOOKS LIKE A CAT?! Inspired by the 90s cartoon, Cat-dog. 


If your doodle includes a small animal or animals, this might imply that you are more at ease with animals than you are with people.

If you added a person to the doodle, this might indicate that you enjoy the company of your family more than you enjoy the company of friends and/or work associates. For you it is always "family first".

If you doodled an object in the wagon, this implies that you prefer to do it yourself with small home repairs rather than hire a professional. You believe you can do anything!


I think this analysis is actually pretty accurate compared to other ones. By having a person inside the wagon, it implies that I am a "family first" guy who likes doing everything himself. This I find to be pretty true.

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