Thursday, October 25, 2012

30-Day Challenge, Day 4: Favorite Place

I know my last 2 posts are out of order, but this post took me a bit longer time to think about, and I wanted to keep my posting up. In thinking about my favorite place, I thought about specific places first that I have enjoyed: restaurants, theme parks, stadiums, bars, etc.; but none of them felt like my favorite place in my gut. Then I thought about places that make me most at peace. My determination on my favorite place is not a specific place, it is the mountains. I started out being specific with the White Mountains in NH, but then I recalled my time spent in the Rockies a few times, and I felt the same way. I enjoy everything about the mountains, any and all mountains. The mountains are extremely peaceful to me, comforting, and fun. I enjoy relaxing out on a lake, hiking in the woods, climbing rocks, or snowboarding down. The wildlife in the mountains is great, and the smell of the woods is one of my favorites. Sometimes I feel I was some nomadic explorer in a previous life, because that's what I wish I was now!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

30-Day Challenge, Day 5: Best Friend

I know I said that I was going to post every Monday-Wednesday-Friday, but I tried. I was just having too much fun this past weekend that I didn't have much time. I also realize that I skipped Day 4, but I am still working on it, and should have it posted for Thursday. So here is my posting for Day 5, my best friend being Charlie Brown! I thought this was the least controversial pick, and he's so cute that no one can argue with me.

Friday, October 19, 2012

30-Day Challenge, Day 3: Favorite Food

I thought I would make this drawing more of a story. Let's see if you can figure out what my favorite food is..


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

30-Day Challenge, Day 2: Favorite Animal

My life and personality has been pretty consistent over the years, but nothing has been more consistent for me than my favorite animal being a Tiger. I enjoyed drawing this, I think it came out pretty good.

Monday, October 15, 2012

30-day Challenge, Day 1: Yourself

Without further adieu, here is Post #1 for the 30-day challenge. I plan on posting Monday-Wednesday-Friday for this challenge. And apparently I am yellow...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

30-Day Drawing Challenge

Inspired by my friends 30 Day Photography Challenge, I am starting a 30-day drawing challenge. I am hoping this will help me make some extra time for drawing, or to use the time I have now differently. It will be difficult to complete a drawing a day with my work schedule, but I am hoping to do them as often as possible. Here is the challenge: