Monday, January 7, 2013

Psych-A-Doodle January 5, 6 and 7


If you drew a dog sleeping inside the doghouse, this might represent your extremely loyal friends who appreciate you, without question. You can sleep at night knowing you have friends like that!

If your doodle includes a dog chained to the doghouse, this probably means you need to free yourself of dated ideas, old routines, and even older friends. Break out!

If you added a dog on top of the doghouse, this demonstrates that you are a person who always sees the funny side and sunny side of life. Your dog hunts!


How come none of the analysis say anything about a dog parachuting onto the roof of the doghouse? It's extreme!


If you drew one cat looking out of the cat-flap, this might mean that you often feel left out and find it difficult to meet new people. Cat got your tongue? Relax, it is purr-fectly normal to feel that way sometimes.

If your doodle includes several cats in many different locations, this suggests that you are a sociable person who is never catty, rude, or unprofessional.

If you added at least two cats to the scene, one inside the cat-flap and one outside, this implies you have a well-balanced life. You are sitting in the cat-bird seat today.


I am un-analyzable when it comes to cats? I at least put the word "cat" into my doodle.

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